Without further ado...
So the kids went to the doctor two weeks ago. Here is the update on my offspring:
KeelyMonster - Now 41" tall and in the 8 %tile. She now weighs 39 LBS and is in the 32 %tile. With her little round watermelon shelf belly (you know what I'm talking about), her body mass is in the 77 %tile. The Doctor feels that she has some behavior issues (like that should surprise any of us) and would like to make an appointment to have her screened for ADHD. He also wants her to see a Urologist based on her potty issues. Again, no surprise on that one. All in all, she's healthy and growing!
ColinUly - A whopping 43 1/2" tall and in the 88 %tile. He weighs 38 LBS and is in the 54 %tile. His body mass is a mere 10 %tile. The Doctor also feels that he has behavior issues and feels that he should also be screened for ADHD. He has fallen behind on his development and they want us to get him involved in Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and Physical Therapy again. They told us to go back after the county to see if we can get him reinstated in special ed. If we get turned away again, they want us to get through our insurance. He also has a referral to the EarNoseThroat Doctor due to his constant nose bleeds.
Lots of fun for the coming month or two. I can't wait to have all these apointments and see what they find!!!
Things in Texas are starting to come back to life. Spring is in the air; it's a warm welcome from the dormant winter months. The weather is warming up, so the kids and I are spending as much time as possible outside before the summer heats things up. I do miss the cold, though. I really enjoyed the winter weather a lot more than I thought I would. I guess I enjoyed the brisk air. The two times it snowed (okay, it was a dusting more than a snow) was rather wonderful. I took TONS of pictures. Now that life is coming back to the area, I will be making a DVD entitled, "A Day in the Life of The Fied's." I will travel around and film our area, Keely's school, our overly exciting city, our home (everyone has been asking for pictures now that the furniture is in, yet I have none), the community playground.... I'll keep everyone posted on my new blog of the status.
I have been pretty dang busy lately with my gardening. I have gone crazy for the new and exciting things that I can plant here. I'm going to post pictures as soon as I get everything in the ground. When I'm not gardening, I am sitting in the backyard on the swing watching the kids play or reading to them outside. It's been really enjoyable. At nights, I have taken to my knitting/crochet. I have actually sold one of these hats!!

You can post comments to my blogs if you wish. Under the blog is a link. Click the identity of Anonymous. Just make sure to sign your name, so I know who you are :)
So neat to see how things are going. I've called and texted you a few times, even sent an email but you haven't responsed :(. I want to see pix of the kids and the house soon...hurry j/k! Love and kisses to everyone there, miss you lots!
So, I'm really glad that you started a blog. And I promise to be a loyal reader and check back everyday!! So, you better post lots of stuff so I have plenty to read.
oh and p.s. I really love the hats - way cute!!
yay!! LOVE YA!!
I am so pleased that you are blogging! I just love it. I think it's the perfect way to keep in touch...too many times, phone calls are impossible to return at a time that is convenient for both people, and this way, you can write and they can check in at your leisure! I'll link you to mine! Just know that there IS blogging peer pressure...if you start a blog, you are held responsible to actually keep it up...posting at least once a week. You have a captivated audience, you know...
Okay.. so where's all the new info? :P
Hi Marci, Chris and kids. It is great to hear from you. I think about all of you often and miss seeing yuu. We are coming to Texas to visit soon. I will let you know when. Love to all. Laura
I am so excited you started a blog. I miss my Marci and family, so this way I can "kinda" feel like it hasn't been over a flippin year since we've seen you.
SEE those are the one sI'm talking about- I friend of mine got one for her shower and a matching blanket to boot!! I NEEEEED those for the babies!! Please! We gotta work something out - I have asked 3 othe rpeople and they can't do it:( Let me know Jesse says HIII as well!
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