I figured I would blog about the garden this morning.
Here is the start of the adventure... We rented a tiller from Home Depot. Christian didn't trust me with it.
Here is the after shot before any of the planting.
Here's the start of the growing season:
The herb box not doing anything:
Strawberries galore:
Orange and Yellow Bell Peppers which have just started to poke through and 4 different varieties of tomatoes:
Soybeans on the left for making soymilk and tofu. Green Beans on the right.
Different green beans on the left. Zucchini in the middle. Butternut, Acorn, Crookneck and Straightneck Squash on the right.
The flower on the Striaghtneck Squash...
The Lettuce and Cabbage have just started to poke through to the sun, but I didn't take pictures... didn't think you would care to see the dirt. I also have some Rhubarb that I just planted (a division from someone's garden I bought from Ebay) and it's not doing as well as I had hoped. I have 50 Sweet Spanish Onions growing. I have 50 Walla Walla Onions (my fave onion) on their way (again, an Ebay purchase). I have a TON more that I have yet to plant at my parents!! Stay tuned!!!
My black raspberry bushes have a few little berries on them. SO YUMMY!!!
The Thompson Seedless Grapevine is growing rapidly, but there are no grapes to be seen, yet. I have another 4 strawberry plants in hanging baskets on the patio cover that have some berries on them. The mint is flourishing as it always does.
That's about it for the garden at my house. I'm going to my parents later today so I will blog that probably tomorrow.....
Looks beautiful! I'm jealous. I can't wait to have a big back yard!!!
Looks great! Reminds me I need to update my blog with some pictures of my garden. It is making great strides, but is full of grass and some weeds. I keep telling myself I will take pics after I get the weeds, but I can't get myself to get to the weeds....
I have gnomes in my backyard too!
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